MLOps Community
+00:00 GMT
Orchestrating Machine Learning Workflows with Prefect

MLOps community meetup #95! On February 23, we will be talking to Kevin Kho, Open Source Community Engineer of Prefect, about Orchestrating Machine Learning Workflows with Prefect.

// Abstract:Prefect is a general-purpose workflow orchestration management system that enables users to build, run, and monitor data pipelines at scale. In this talk, Kevin will show how to orchestrate a full ML hyperparameter grid search pipeline over a Dask cluster. Other tools included will be Pandera, Tune, and Evidently AI.

// Bio:Kevin Kho is an Open Source Community Engineer at Prefect, an open-source workflow orchestration management system. Previously, he was a data scientist for four years working in the energy and HR spaces. Outside of work, he is a contributor for Fugue, an abstraction layer for Pandas, Spark, and Dask. He also organizes the Orlando Machine Learning and Data Science Meetup.

Kevin Kho
Kevin Kho
Open Source Community Engineer @ Prefect
Track View
5:00 PM, GMT
5:10 PM, GMT
Stage 1
Opening / Closing
Welcome and song

Improvised song and Intro of session

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5:12 PM, GMT
5:58 PM, GMT
Stage 1
Prefect Workshop
Kevin Kho
6:00 PM, GMT
6:15 PM, GMT
Stage 1
1:1 networking
Networking Discussions

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Event has finished
February 23, 5:00 PM, GMT
Event has finished
February 23, 5:00 PM, GMT