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Tool Agnostic MLOps & A/B Testing

Posted Dec 12, 2022 | Views 493
# MLOps A/B Testing
# MLOps Tool Agnostic
# Genesis Cloud
Sadik Bakiu
CEO & Principal Data/ML Engineer @ Data Max

Sadik is currently the CEO & Principal Data/ML Engineer of Data Max. Since the early beginning of his career, more than a decade ago, he was fascinated by Data and Information management systems and has been working in this field ever since. Sadik also writes occasionally about technology topics.

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Hamza Tahir
Co-founder @ ZenML

Hamza Tahir is a software developer turned ML engineer. An indie hacker by heart, he loves ideating, implementing, and launching data-driven products. His previous projects include PicHance, Scrilys, BudgetML, and you-tldr.

Based on his learnings from deploying ML in production for predictive maintenance use-cases in his previous startup, he co-created ZenML, an open-source MLOps framework to create reproducible ML pipelines.

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A/B Testing for MLOps A/B testing is used heavily in marketing campaigns to improve their effectiveness. In addition, it can be applied very well in Machine Learning applications to help understand which model or which version works better. This talk describes how to practically implement A/B testing for the MLOps context in a microservice architecture.

Tool Agnostic MLOps with ZenML The MLOps landscape is exploding with new tools for specific needs. As an ML practitioner, it can be disorienting which tools to use, and even harder, how to do it in a production setting. In this talk, Hamza shows how you can use ZenML to build tool-agnostic MLOps solutions tailored to your needs. He walks you through how you build an ML pipeline and experiment on your local machine, and scale the pipeline into a full-fledged production-ready solution with minimal code changes.

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