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Individual Projects on LLMs

Posted Feb 12, 2024 | Views 266
# LLMs
# AI
# Machine Learning

From automating data analysis to designing a finance AI application, and even developing a pyramid text summarization model, these innovators are leading the charge with cutting-edge AI technology. Explore their challenges, successes, and relentless drive to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of machine learning and AI. Hear their stories and be inspired!

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Finetuning Open-Source LLMs // LLMs in Production Conference 3 Keynote 1
Posted Oct 09, 2023 | Views 6.9K
# Finetuning
# Open-Source
# LLMs in Production
# Lightning AI
Managing Machine Learning Projects
Posted Oct 18, 2022 | Views 1.2K
# Machine Learning Projects
# ML Orchestration
# Data Assets
# GFT Technologies